Okay, I dont understand why Eva told the Pluto Boys about where Patrick was in Brazil, and if she was betraying him, why did she stay so long and help him when he was in the FBIs custody?? And it said that Patrick knew how hed been found so wouldnt he know not to trust her?Im really confused so if someone could please explain that whole thing to me, Id really appreciate it. But otherwise I thought that it was a really good book!! okay anyways I guess that this has to be at least 100 words but I dont know when Ive reached 100 words, so if you cant tell Im wasting words. lol But anyways, I really liked how Patrick planned everything out and how you thought he killed Pepper but he didnt and then how it really turned out to be Clovis. And trudy and lance was a nice little twist too. And it was amazing how he had everything recorded too.