Ive already read John Grishams The Chamber and the painted house fully enjoyed reading both the books. So I purchased this book - The Partner. The author did not disappoint me infact the narration style was so compelling that I was forced to read it even while travelling. Im basically a slow reader but then this book is filled with so many twists and turns that any reader would not like to lay the book down. It took only 2 days for me to finish this book. Now I know anyone would think is 2 days a short time ? But in my case it is a short time because I have long working hours of 11 hours a day which leaves with hardly much to time to read. considering my work schedule 2 days to finish the novel is simple great !
The story has a spectacular end, an end which is totally unexpected. Infact after finishing the book the end keeps gushing into your thought of flow for atleast 30 mins. so different is the end. Please do go for it if you like suspense thrillers. I would even recommend The Firm by this same author which is also equally interesting. In the typical style of John Grisham this book also has a out-of-the-world end.