Just like brand Skoda Fabia is good car. Very much comfortable and safe car. But if you are planning to buy it in Pune then do not go for it. If you catch any technical problem in your car then you will start regreting why I bought this car. Workshop team does not have any technical skill, you will find if your power windows are not working they have to call SKoda team. Either they are not getting proper training or Dealer is trying to loot money from customer once the vehicle is out. For any small issue they will keep your vehicle for minimum 3-4 days even more if you dont call.
After Service feedback call dont have any use. I tried giving feedback but looks like they just noted it down later after next servicing when I got the call and I tried to get the answer of my first feedback they never turnaround. I did not get a single feedback call from them. Manager available there is good for nothing. If you really want to buy, then go and visit service station to watch the chaos. You can see people fighting with manager and staff for their vehicle. And I am the witness of it whenever I was there to leave or pickup my car.(Now a days for pickup you have to call them 1 week before. such a poor service)
Even Skoda customer care is not helpful. They are simply there to take the salary from Skoda. I tried sending mail to Skoda customer care but I did not get a single call from them.
I would suggest dont go for Skoda though the car is good because after sell service is worst and it better to little more and get the car with less feature than regreting later for not getting service.