Movie is full of future technology.Passenger the movie lead by Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt is based on the story that same passengers and crew members are traveling within the spaceship from Earth to Another planet.This journey would take 97 year(approx). With the help of some medical technology they all will going to sleep for 96 year and 4 months in their sleeping machines so they remain at the same age as they started. After 6 year due to collision between spaceship and asteroid some technical fault comes in the system as the result of that the man(Chris Pratt) gets awake and tried to survive in lonely environment as all other are still sleeping and going on sleeping for another 90 years.
The man gets frustrated after one year and tried everything to regain the sleep in his sleeping machine, but he failed.
Once a day he searching the passenger list and get to know about a writer/news-reporter the women(Jennifer Lawrence) after finding the girl interesting the idea comes in his mind why not I awake this women for ending my loneliness. He awaked the women by doing some changes in her sleeping machine and after that their friendship start and they get in love with each other and going-on finding other way for making their life interesting. Once a day the women(Jennifer Lawrence) get to know that his friend(Chris Pratt) make her awake after that she start hating the man.
After finding that one crew-member is also awaked. Than with the help of the crew-member they get to know about the faults of spaceship and tried to fix them. They got the success in fixing the faults and get in love with each-other again.
"they lived there whole life in the spaceship together"(this is the lovely part of the movie).
>Visual Effects of this movie are great.