Hlo frinds
The patanjali aloe vera gel is amazing I have not words to explain it My skin type is dry before using this gel but I use regularly twoise a day patanjali aloe vera gel for two monthI know two month is very long period but natural products take some time .To give us 100% result So I use 2 month regurally and it convert my skin dry to normal and it also stopped my pimple and give me very fresh and fair skin this product is for only external use only not for eating
Way to use aloe gel for 100% result You use
aloe gel two times a day first at before bating and second while you go for sleeping
Apply onlyThan you washed you face with face washyou apply this on face and gentely massage on face for few seconds
If you want to save your skin form suntan You just apply on your body and save skin from suntan
The price of patanjali aloe vera gel is 90 rupees And product is very good and very offerdable And best skin product