This is a product without which I can not imagine my day. I have been using this product for a very long time. I personally found this product very useful so I decided to share its advantages and review this product because I believe "sharing is caring" This product have following benefits:-
1) This is an Ayurvedic product which means no side effects
2) Having good & mesmerizing fragrance
3) Suitable for both Dry as well as Oily skin
4) can be used as a face-wash also
5) Males carrying beard do not require anything else for its grooming
6) This can also be uses for hairs in following way:-
a- Boys can use it as a hair gel which will not harm their hairs.
b- Girls can cure their split c- you can also use is as hair mask.
7) This can be used all over you face even on area around of your eyes.
8) Easily available in all cities, markets, shops, malls and marts
9) removes pigmented spots
10) can use casually before going out in sunlight.
for more and interesting use of aloevera gel you can also search it on there you can also see practical use of it
Consistent and Long use of this product also help in improving your colour complection. As we all know every coin has two sides and each good product may have few lacking points. here are few cons of Patanjali Aloe vera gel:-
1) price looks little bit high as a ayurvedic product
2) some people may not like its fragrance
3) if you are looking for fast results in improving you colour complexion then this product is not for you. look for something else.
I hope this review will be helpful for you. keep using and keep grooming your beauty.