I had a lot of pimples marks and I consulted many doctor and used many cream but not any use so my friend suggested me about patanjali aloe Vera gel and I start using this for one month no result at all but after that it gave me really positive result and now I am continuously using this gel to my face .no side effect at all, usually my skin get allergy but after applying this no allergy at all very good and fresh gel
take this aloe Vera gel contains medicinal and healing properties that helps to heal all pimples, rashes and scares
it also prevents skin discoloration means caused after acne heals .it also kills bacteria that cause skin infection .over all I got positive result.one apply and wait for it dry and wash from cold water try it for one month it give very nice result
and money also very less we can afforbale and fragrance is not so much visible
over all product we can use