PATANJALI is one of the best consumer goods manufacturing company now a days in india . Im using PATANJALIS DANTKANTI from last 6 months and the results are very good and quick . The cleansing effect is very good which stays for 15-16 hours a day .
The flavour of the toothpaste is also not bad at all as it includes mint which smells very nice and keeps the mouth clean . PATANJALI have used many ayurvedic ingredients in its products without using any adulteration . the oral health impact of dantkanti is very good as it keeps away the mouth related problems away from us such as teeth bleeding, swollen gums etc . it makes a natural protective layer around the teeth for almost 24 hours .
This product also promotes make in india and surely one of the best toothpaste I have ever used as the effects are are really impressive and good . This toothpaste is the best example of cheap and best for every person .