I have been using this shampoo and I found that this shampoo is somewhat different than other as it is very easily applicable on hairs, foam formation quality of this product is 10/10. With a small amount of shampoo on palm we can make a enough amount of foam to wash our hair. So this product can be used for longer time than other products. Also fragrance of this shampoo is good.
After use the results are okay okay .yes hair become little bit silky and no need of applying any oil after shampoo. But I did not observe any kind of impact of this shampoo on my hair fall.hair fall is same as previous .the main impact on the length of hair .my hair growth is faster than previous and hairs getting longer very fast.
This shampoo is cheaper than other shampoos but I think it is not behind them in working.similar result like other shampoo. so im recommending this product to everyone dont waste money on expensive products if such a herbal product available at low prize which will have no side effect on hair as it have no chemicals in it.