Friends really I want to share my experience to you.I was week my eye sight from class six .then I got a specks with 2.5 negative is very embarrassing me that I wear specks in such a age.some of my classmates teasing me Gandhi hi ka chasma. I become sad Everytime. my parents feel sad Everytime for me. And my eye number increasing day by day and it become 7 negative .really I scared that I am going to blind I always just to think about my eyes . My father friend is big devotee of baba Ramdev they suggest me patanjali first mainly consist of honey and onion which is good for eyes. I go to patanjali shop and bring it cost 15 rupees .I saw instruction one time you put into morning and one time you put one drop on both eyes at bed time .you cant believe it really work .it change my life my eye number become 3.5 from 7 negative. I use it for 6 month.but for best results you doing some eye yoga .today there is lots of eye treatments but it is so costly and risky.i suggest you to use this product and follow the routine it is your eye matter just believe your self.use this product atleast 6 month and see the result. baba Ramdev ki jai