The main competition of this product is with hand wash of brands like Dettol and Lifeboy etc. Last month, I decided to give Patanjali Hand Wash a try and bought one pack. In the pack, I found a thick hand wash liquid with a strong smell. To solve this problem, I diluted it with water and it lasted even longer. The price of Patanjali Handwash was Rs 2 more than the other brands which I mostly used; however, the good thing was that it lasted much longer as compared to others.
The main anti-bacterial ingredients in Patanjali Handwash are neem and Tulsi each 2mg in each10 ml. It is a foolishness to point doubts on the effectiveness of TULSI AND NEEM, both of them are time tested herbs used from many centuries in India. I am happy that we have a hand wash which contain these natural ingredients. However, pack of Patanjali Handwash doesnt say anything about the other ingredients and their origin.