Hello Dear Friends, Today I am Posting my review on Patanjali HoneySome Days Before There was a Ad War Between Two Indian Honey Makers i.e. Patanjali and Dabur.Patanjali Claiming That There Honey is Safe And Natural Its Price is also Cheap i.e.
70 Rs for 250 Grams where as Dabur Honey Cost you 122 RS / 250 gram. Then Later it was Daburss turn They Make Counter AD Saying there Honey has FSSAI(Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) Mark where as patanjali honey has not it but later they also get it. So my family also decide to try this so called Natural, Ayurvedic Product trust me, you will get adulterated honey mixed with sugar crystals and the Quality of honey is also very poor. Usually Natural Honey Has No Expiry Date But After Storing This Patanjali Honey its Smelling very bad.Ramdev is Making fool to indian people by his so called swadeshi campaign.Although its price is cheap, the qaulity is also inferior. Please Dont buy it instead choose any trusted Brand. Thanks