I hope vikas will not be happy after reading my opinion.but this was happened before two months when I went for my speciality conference in patna{nov30-dec2}in hotel maurya.first of all when I registered for the conference by risking my life they said the venue was the only five star hotel in patna but later it was not and it was only 3 star.my friends{6 persons}travelled from chennai to patna by patna express.two days of travel and in midnight they stopped the train in a station for four hours.when we went to the station master his reply made us mad.luckily we escaped from the robbery since we were late and the previous train was robbed in s5 compartment which we were travelling, my goodness definitely gods grace since we had lot of valuables.we reached patna late by 9 hrs.the organising secretary cheated us by not giving the money we booked for hotel reservations since we were late.the conference started and the certificates for presentations were not given which should have been given by them at time{till now not come}which is the only proof for us for attended the conference.food was worst that too in star hotels.banquet was horrible and alchohol was limited for the lovers.after the conference we went to places like gaya, rajgir and nalanda where the government maintenance is seen openly.in rajgir hot spring was there and the pujaris were hunting for forceful poojas nothing except for money.sad and paid for the visit.the bus journey is comedy since if u sit on top of the bus the fare is half only than sitting inside the bus.so when the busstop comes people jump from the bus threatening the passengers.we were holding our lives for 7 days.when we returned through train the people were sitting in our reserved seats as though they reserved and spoked harsh words with us to get up.old auto rickshaw and tricycle, dumped garbages with dust welcomed us wherever we travelled.before 25 years patna university was famous worldwide but now.its like 20yrs back how a city was and that tells the people of patna.buddhism and jainism both preached peace developed from this place but failed to attract their own people and are world famous.lot of stoopas are there but almost funded by japanese and thai, chinese governments.we have finally decided not to think about this place since a to z of our travel was stored ino ur minds.after this last month lot of news came about patna in news papers about the killing of three students and etc.but patna will be in the news everytime