Illegal - PayPal has debited $200USD from my account
Case- I offered 1000 USD web application development project and client paid me 50 USD + 200 USD.
But I did a lot work and I complete 7 modules of the websites programming in whcih I need to complete 8 modules and after some time client return back to me and ask for the progress of the work I said one 1 module need work and some css work.
And I said for another payment but he said no and then he said that I am cancelling the project and at the end he file case
Issue- 1. Against the 1000usd Project first client said that He paid only 200 USD from PayPal and 50USD from western union and in returned he asked for FULL project and did not listen my incomplete work.
The website was for e commerce where user was allowed to sell the products
if you want I can show you the demo of the project you can see I have successfully coded this module. and also other modules like newspost job post distributor section and others
- Paypal consider dispute and ask for the website my question is " if the client made only 25% payment then how you can ask for 100% complete project ????."
3.If I complete 100% work and then client refused to make payment then will paypal give me the rest payment whcih is around 750USD.
- As per paypal terms and condition paypal will not accept dispute on custom made product.
if yes then why paypal accept dispute on my website this is also a custom made.
- Term and condition states
It states.
13.3 Ineligible Items. PayPal Purchase Protection only applies to PayPal payments for certain tangible, physical goods. Payments for the following are not eligible for reimbursement under PayPal Purchase Protection: Intangible items, including Digital Goods Services Real estate, including residential property Businesses Vehicles, including motor vehicles, motorcycles, caravans, aircraft and boats Custom-made items Travel tickets, including airline flight tickets Items prohibited by the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy Items which you collect in person or arrange to be collected on your behalf, including items bought through In-Store Checkout at the retail point of sale (unless bought using PayPal Grace Period, see Eligibility Requirements above) Items that violate eBay’s Prohibited or Restricted Items Policy Industrial machinery used in manufacturing Items equivalent to cash, including prepaid or gift cards PayPal Direct Payments Virtual Terminal Payments Personal Payments
As per this custom website development dispute does not come under paypal so they must not accept this but they accept.
But they accepted and made a debit from my account
This is an illegal case.