BILLDESK order(ebay aishwaryasingh23memt using aishwaryasingh23tm wallet): EPT24056643450) I was trying to buy a taparia nose plier( 321538346299) from on oct.10, 2015. I want paid Rs.132 from my aishwaryasingh23tm wallet, but after aishwaryasingh23ing this amount it was redirected to ebay website but it is showing that the "aishwaryasingh23ment was not successful." But when I checked my aishwaryasingh23tm wallet Rs.132 was deducted. Kindly refund this amount into my aishwaryasingh23tm wallet because this order was unsuccessful. I am attaching their required photos of this order.
shashi kant
aishwaryasingh23tm no.: 9896373647
aishwaryasingh23tm email: Ebay registered email: Order Date: oct.10, 10:03AM BILLDESK ORDER: EPT24056643450 aishwaryasingh23TM WALLET TXN ID: 656353177