Hi.Before starting my review, I wish you happy Diwali to all Mouthshut members and mouthshut employes.Now coming my review, PayTm is one of the best online site in India.Day to day their service assurance and offers are growing.Paytm is not only gives offers on online recharges but also gives offers on online shopping like fashion accessories, gadgets, books, other useful things to us. Paytm gives huge cash back offers on online purchases made through this website.Price of the same product in other online site is quite less compared to the price of the product on Paytm.But Paytm gives cash back if we purchase the same product on Paytm. As a result price becomes less compared to other sites.One thing we have to remember here is, checking seller rating and rating of merchants product is most important before making a purchase through Paytm.Paytm offers extra money on adding money to the wallet.This thing can helps us saving more money on buying or recharges on paytm.Because of Paytm I save some money by adding money to my paytm wallet, during the extra cash back on adding money to the wallet campaign
.Coming to recharges it is so convenient to recharge our mobile number through Paytm.I uses Paytm regularly this time.This is my review about paytm.So All of you guys karo PAYTM on the occasion of Diwali by saving your money.