I was trying to buy railway ticket fom IRCTC and select paytm wallet during transaction. The amount deducted from wallet but not refelected to IRCTC. As a result I cant complete this.
Status of the Transaction at paytm side:
Paid for OrderIRCTC E Ticketing Order #100000502702705
Paytm Cash Txn ID 20724187622016-05-07 00:06:35 PM
Rs 1, 180.21
Status of the Transaction at IRCTC side:
100000502702705 DLI HW 02-Sep-2016 Not Booked 1162.9 07-May-2016 Payment Failed FAILED
After that I was not able to register a complain at their side because of some issue on their server. error: Required parameters are missing: verticalLabel