In this website I usually make huge transactions . certain times I also book food itms in this websites This is the good website . I have a payu money account . I have booked the film tickets in bookmy show . in the payment page I have paid the money through payumoney . after successful payment I got a 20% cashback . in various websites I use this payment page for booking food items, stage show, hotel bookings etc. I have got a huge discounts and cash backs.
The best aspect is thai I will get a bog discounts.once while booking tickets for bookmy show through this page amount has been deducted in my account but I did not get a confirmation id . I gave a messge to customer about this . they credited the amount with in 4hrs fro the time if transaction . while in other website there is no gurantee of money refund and I also experienced it if any one who wants a guarantee of discounts returns should transcate in this site service is good . website loading time is also good usability ia also good