Very disappointed customer with the paytm policy, they allow us to receive money up to one lakh and allowing us to transfer or pay to any othet paytm only 25000, so what we do with teh balnce amount we recived in paytm. ijust called customer care so got funny answer pay ur bills and buy movie tickets and do shopping with balance amount . I took money form my customer to supply goods to them and I have to transfer this to my supllier to get goods now the money is blocked in paytm for other 12 days , so how I use this to other pourpose , all of you beware of thesekind of policy an duse care fully paytm, other wise u r money also wilbe blocked din paytm for weeks, paytm representative came to me to updatemy KYC and offered me now onward u an receive money up to one lakh and not informed methat from taht u can only transfer to othera paytm or bank only 25000 thousand very much disappointed with tehse kind of policy , ther take our money and not allowing use to use for right purpose