Paytm Order # 2198064354 dated 07Nov2016 for a KurlOn queen size mattress
1) App / Website: Living in the stone ages. Only 1 Delivery address possible that too in the profile. Address does not even get pulled up for confirmation during placing of order.
2) Customer Service: Mindset is that they will do anything to screw the paying customer. Horrendous, unprofessional, lazy, illogical, sadistic bunch of people manning the customer support.
Order placed on 07Nov 10pm. On receiving e-mail I realized order was pointing to my old Bangalore address and not my current Chennai address.
07Nov 10.15pm I raised a ticket through their website asking Paytm to change shipping address to Chennai. No response till 09Nov.
in the meantime, shipping initiated from Noida through BlueDart
I call customer care repeated on 09Nov / 10Nov and am told they will update their ticket with my request. I ask to be directed to the logistics team - they refuse to connect. Each time they ask for 48 hours.
I start a chain of emails - this is like hitting a wall. The Paytm customer experts sitting behind dumb email terminals keep saying that they cannot change the shipping address at this stage - they refuse to answer why they did not act on my ticket on 07Nov. I escalated this 2 levels up at Paytm( I believe they are still scratching some body part and have no time to address a customer issue)
mattress now at Bangalore Paytm has still not instructed Bluedart regarding change in consignee address - I have told BlueDart that I have informed Paytm regarding change in Consignee address from Bangalore to Chennai and they need to work with them.
A) There is no timely action from PayTm in this situation.
B) Even otherwise they could have acted on my calls / emails to give new instructions to BlueDart. Paytm never had the intent to do this - they keep saying I should accept the mattress at the Bangalore address. Senseless bunch of folks in Customer Service. D they expect me to carry the mattress from Bangalore to Chennai by air / train?
C) the escalation mechanism is sheer rubbish - no accountability to even respond to a customer, let alone attempt to resolve an issue.
Customer Service is wrong name for such people - they should call themselves "Screw the Customer" department
Had it been Amazon / Flipkart they would have taken action without asking any questions.
I have shopped extensively on Paytm because of the cashbacks. This experience with their customer support warrants me to stop shopping at Paytm.
I hope people wake up and stop patronizing such companies which are the bane of fledgling indian ecommerce.