Below is the mail that VODAFONE confirms that they have not received the amount from PAYTM and AXIS bank has confirmed that they have cleared the amount to PAYTM so its you who have to check and recharge my number.
For your reference I have attached the PDFs along with this mail please go through and do the needful or get prepared to be sued as I am not ready to play the blame game now.
As this is not happening for the 1st time.
Issue in short:
2 recharges of Rs.36/- dated 08/01/12
1st recharge of Rs.36 - I did not received so tried one more time.
2nd recharge of Rs.36 - I have received sucessfully.
This is the issue below are the mails from the rRajeev_Vermactive organisations that are involved with it and the PDFs of my bank statement.
Looking forward to a positive response ASAP.
Confirmation mails from Vodafone and Axis
From: NodalTN
Sent: Wednesday, 14 March 2012 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: Recharge not received till date. [REF:551749135970]
Dear Mr. Miyan,
This has reference to your email dated 13/03/12 regarding your concern related to online recharge for the mobile number 98
Our Nodal Relationship Officer Ms. Zarina has explained the scenario in detail.
We would like to notify that the online recharge of Rs.36/- dated 08/01/12 was not performed through Vodafone website and we had not received the credit at our end.
We request to you to kindly contact the rRajeev_Vermactive initiator for the reversal of same.
Kindly find the docket number 295223876 for your reference.
In case you need further assistance, please do call or email us.
Happy to help,
Ajitha Raj
Nodal Officer
Contact numbers
Vodafone Care: 111 or+91- 9884098840
From: NodalTN
Sent: Thursday, 8 March 2012 6:48 PM
Subject: Recharge not received till date. [REF:551552019659]
Dear Mr. Miyan,
This has reference to your email dated 03/03/12 regarding your concern related to online recharge for the mobile number 98
Our Nodal Relationship Officer Ms. Zarina has spoken to you.
Currently, we have been trying to get in touch with you on 98, but we are not able to reach you.
We would like to inform that the online recharge of Rs.36/-performed on 08/01/12 was an unsuccessful transaction and we had not received the credit at our end.
Further, we request you to kindly forward the soft copy of your bank statement for us to do the needful
We request you to share your convenient time for us to connect with you and also an alternative contact number to explain further instance.
Kindly find the docket number 290731993 for your reference.
In case you need further assistance, please do call or email us.
Happy to help,
Ajitha Raj
Nodal Officer
Contact numbers
Vodafone Care: 111 or+91- 9884098840
From: Javeed Miyan []
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2012 10:47 PM
Subject: Recharge not received till date.
Name: Javeed Miyan
Vodafone mobile number:+91-98
Recharge not received till date which I did on 08-Jan-12 for Rs.36
Recharge method: PAYTM(Online)
I have also checked with my bank and the online payment processor and PAYTM with regards to the same and they all point it out to Vodafone now, that they have a successful delivery of the recharge amount to Vodafone and now you I have to check with you guys.
Please read the below reverts from AXIS BANK and PAYTM for clarification on the same and Im not only looking for a recharge but a compensation as well.
As this is a mistake from your side I had been given a run around to all corners of the problem and finally found where the issue is, so a compensation will be applicable.
Seeking resolution ASAP.
Javeed Miyan
From: ""
Sent: Monday, 23 January 2012 4:21 PM
Subject: Fw: RE:AXISIBRM=015-572-247 Bill Payment.
Dear Sir,
As per revert received from the concerned
department below mentioned transactions are successful.
Forwarding you the communication regarding
the matter in the appended mail .
Best Regards,
Nitin Gaikwad
Phone Banking Centre
Axis Bank Ltd.
Direct Line No - 022-40754594
Gaikwad/SM/PBC/RBP/AXISBank on 01/23/2012 04:32 PM -
"IT Helpdesk", "Sudeep M Pandrekar"
"Nitin Gaikwad"
, "service"
01/19/2012 12:39 PM
Re: RE:AXISIBRM=015-572-247
Bill Payment.
Dear Sachin,
Merchant Order Number: 13956367 & 13956235
Status: Successful
Website details:
From: IT
To: CC
Avenue 2; CC
Avenue 6; Sudeep
M Pandrekar
Cc: Nitin
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 5:00 PM
Subject: RE:AXISIBRM=015-572-247 Bill Payment.
Dear Ashwini,
Please find the mail received from the customtakeouter regarding his payment made
08.01.2012 for Rs. 36/- each which is self explicit.
Kindly confirm the status of extra payment.
We have already forwarded the payment details for the
same to you on 09.01.2012
User BID PID Payee Area/Circle NickName Amount Date DateTime CustAcid PayeeAcid Status Code ITC PRN
835763050 38878835 000000000517 CCAVENUE.COM / CHARGE SANTACRUZ(W) CCAVENUE.COM / CHARGE 36 1/8/2012 1/8/2012 11:36:50 PM 910010028715147 1000129101160 S 000 000000000517 CCA12ABMK958
835763050 38878799 000000000517 CCAVENUE.COM / CHARGE SANTACRUZ(W) CCAVENUE.COM / CHARGE 36 1/8/2012 1/8/2012 11:35:03 PM 910010028715147 1000129101160 S 000 000000000517 CCA12ABMK951
You are kindly requested to check and revert back the status at the earliest.
IT-Help Desk
Axis Bank Ltd.
-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 02:36 PM
Subject: Bill Payment.
Please check.
- Forwarded by Parthasarathy Krishnaswamy/B-M/SM/IT/002/AXISBank on
01/18/2012 02:34 PM -
From: Nitin
To: Parthasarathy
Cc: customtakeouter
Date: 01/18/2012
12:34 PM
Subject: Urgent!
Reversal of Unsuccessful Transaction - Account No: 910010028715147
Dear Sir/Madam,
We have received mail from the said customtakeouter the details are:
customtakeouter ID.: 835763050
Account No: 910010028715147
Contact No: 98
customtakeouter has called up to inform that the he has done online transaction
.Transaction was unsuccessful but amount was debited from the account.Out
of two transactions first transaction was unsuccessful & second transaction
was successful.customtakeouter has already confirmed with the beneficiary that
they have not received the credit of the same.customtakeouter wants reversal for
the same.
09/01/2012 ICONN/38878835/080112/CCAVENUE.COM / CHA 36.00
09/01/2012 ICONN/38878799/080112/CCAVENUE.COM / CHA 36.00
Request you to kindly do the needful.
Thanks & Regards,
Nitin Gaikwad
Retail Business Processes
Axis Bank Ltd.