Hi friends, Today I am going to share my personal experience on the Paytm Application which is freely available on the play store. I am frequently using this application for doing my daily transactions. But I am not satisfied with the services and support provided by this application. Need to improve lots of features and efficiency in this application.
They are not offered you any discounts or any type of cashback also. Previously they were giving lots of offers. They need to improve on this. If you are doing any normal transactions like pay hotel bills or any lunch/dinner bills, you will not get history page of this transactions, which is so disgusting at all. And there was not any bill split feature of this app.
Application is not working properly while doing the transaction by using Barcode Scan option. Everytime getting some network error and getting logout automatically. I am fed up of such kind of services. This app needs to application on the regular basis and it takes too much space to install it which is more than 10 MB size file.
Concept for making this app is really good but execution fails. User interface was not so easy to access and also they dont have perfect design and layout. If you are paytm application is not updated, then its not working properly. So they need to work on this issue asap.
Rest it is good app to use and Everyone love to use it on the daily basis. But it also having drawbacks, so need to use carefully.
From my opinion you should not use this application as off now as its having lots of bugs and issues in it, So I will not recommend this to anyone. I hope my review will guide to choose proper application.