This paytm app and website truly is the best thing to support cashless transactions in india. It has the featurea of paying and accepting payments from anyone. It helps the customers to pay any amount to the seller even if the amount is in decimal places whereas when we have to pay through the seller used to round the figure or give us some product which was of no use to use in exchange of change. The newly added feature of transferring the amount in our paytm wallet to bank is a very good thing as by this people will not hesitate in putting their money in the wallet as it can be transferred into the bank anytime required. The app when it had started only was an app through which people could just recharge their numbers. From day 1 the company has tried to implement new new features and give a nice pleasant experience to the users. After the demonitisation in india this app helped a lot to the users as well as sellers to curb the non availability of cash in the country. The use of the app increased 300? after the demonitisation phase.The quality the company provides sets it apart from all its counterparts and thus becoming the number 1 choice of users for wallets. Now the RBI has approved the companys request of becoming payments bank. Thus time will say how the company will perform in the banking sector.