Paytm app is good for everything.Online shopping, mobile recharge, Electricity bill, pay or send, add money, passbook, request money to bank etc.Then paytm sell the products but some of the products is not worth worst quality especially cloth items very worst.I m purchasing cloth on this website very worst.Online pay or send money to bank is good. But every transactions money send to bank we will pay some amount For example: Rs.100 send to our bank account, paytm deducted Rs.6.So every transaction paytm deducted some money before 1 month, but yesterday in my account Rs.1000 send to my bank account paytm didnt deducted any amount.So nowadays its really good improvement in this app and also I m purchase kitchen appliances in paytm Nov 30th, its really some of the products is not expecting.Not bad paytm app.OK .