Concept . Paytm wallet is the most trusted application . We can use for making online payments I am using it since 1 year and I dnt face any problem every user can easily understand how to use it because it is so simple and perfect for commen man
Layout and design create bt company is best and fast getaway through paytm wallet there are two ways that one to enter mobile number or scan code of whom we want to pay
Feature - its limit is up to 50k now and we link it with out bank account also and increase limit by enter our UID no. It is very useful by this we are free to keep cash in hand . By this we can pay bills like electricity dth mobile recharge . Air tickets . Payments
Usefullness . After demobilization it became so famous to everybody to make online payment so that the best place with many advantage and offer paytm wallet always balance updated easily with no bugs .
So all we have to use it in our daily life to keep our india neet and clean .
Thanx paytm for this digital wallet