A note to readers: Those of you who read my last book review dont be scared to read this one. I have not given away the end of the story.
The Pearl is a really great book. I have read it twice and may read it again. It tells the story of how the pearl of the world was found by Kino, an Indian fisherman in Mexico. Kino and his wife Juana wakes one morning perfectly contented. But all that is changed when their baby boy Coyotito is stung by a scorpion. They try to get a doctor but the doctor would not help.
The next day they go out in their canoe to fish for pearls. Kino finds the pearl of the world of the world and he plans to sell it and pay for his sons education and to get him better. But when he goes to sell the pearl the dealers do not want to give him the amount of money he wants for his pearl; the dealers say the pearl has no value and they refuse to pay him for it. Things take an interesting turn here. I will not tell you any more, youve got to read it for yourself.
John Steinbecks interesting stly of writing will make you want to read the book over and over again. I myself felt like that. Once youve started reading you will not put down this book until youve read the last word. I know I will have to study this book in school for Literature which takes all the fun and interest out of the book but I have an advantage too as I have read this book already. It is one of the best books I have ever read and I will read it again sometime soon.
Anyway if you have not read this one yet, take my advice and get a copy NOW! You will not regret it trust me.