Pears is not so innocent and gentle.
it has systematically propagated racism and insults to nonwhites in the past. Perhaps that’s why it promoted in India that it ". improves the complexion"
Here are few links that link Pears soap to racism and colonial sense of pseudo-superiority
Pears claimed that it was "the white mans burden" toteach the nonwhites about civilization. Conveniently forgetting that we had planned cities and civilizations when they were still unwashed barbaric hordes in europe.
The photo clearly shows a christian missionary giving a soap to an uncultured and ignorant native. Desperate to improve their skin color and save their souls
Talk of neocolonialism and us still craving to have aclearer complexion and still being enslaved! Then they tried to sell us trinkets for our spices and even now they still sell us the soap. like we were waiting to receive their soaps along with their gospels.
Pros:Its a soap.
Cons:Its an expensive soap w a racist past.