If you havent lived in Bangalore forever like I have, you probably dont know that Pecos started out as a Mexican restaurant - the first of its kind in Bangalore. I remember I was so excited to try out some new food back in those days when bad chinese was about as exotic as it got. I must have been around 8 back then. My anticipation knew no bounds as I ordered a taco for the first time in my life. Imagine my consternation when it turned out to be little more than an overdone chappathi with some rajma stuffed into it! That was the beginning and the end of my Pecos experience for many years to come.
Cut to high school years when I was going through my long hair / hard rock / non-conformist phase. One night a friend says Hey lets get some beers at Pecos! and I was thinking yeah! that crappy so-called mexican excuse for a restaurant.... right! no more alcohol for you!!! Lets just say that my friend was VERY persuasive and I soon found myself sitting on the steps (the only available seat most evenings), drinking flat beer and having the time of my life! I learned that night that if you go into Pecos expecting world class cuisine and beverages and great music youre likely to be disappointed, but if you go in there expecting what appears to be an overcooked chappathi with rajma inside, beer that tastes like it was poured last week and great music, then by god you will have a blast! Because thats what Pecos does, and if you dont like it you dont have to come back. Having said that I should add that Pecos has expanded its food menu quite considerably and the food is good for the most part if a little on the spicy side.
Much of the charm of Pecos lies in the music they play. It is a haven for fans of the blues, 60s and 70s rock and if you happen by on a relatively quiet weekday afternoon, jazz. I have to admit I learned a lot about music, just sitting there, suffering through my beer. Speaking of beer - a little tip from a regular - always send the first one back. The replacement will usually be a little better. However, you should know that a little better is about as good as it gets in Pecos, so drink up and try to enjoy...
Pecos is located on the little lane thats parallel to Church Street (I like to call it Pecos Lane...) bang opposite Guzzlers Inn. You cant miss it really. You will hear the music and you will see the signs. It is spread (if you can call it that) over 3 floors. I like to think of it as the family floor, the friends floor and the complete strangers floor. The first floor is reserved for veterans only, or so it seems anyway. Expect to be scrutinised intently by other patrons if you happen to be drinking here for the first time. Upstairs is a bit more spacious with tables. This is where the groups hang out. Quite often you can walk in here and find a party on in full swing. And finally if youre uninitiated and summon the nerve to venture in, you might find yourself designated to the terrace, where its quieter and you stand a better chance of having a conversation that requires you to be able to hear yourself think, if thats your thing. The place is decorated with hand painted wall murals of rock legends and a number of extremely collectible posters from the 60s.
It is probably the most reasonably priced pub in Bangalore. A meal for two with plenty of beer thrown in shouldnt cost more than Rs 500. With its dingy lighting and chaotic atmosphere, its probably not the place to go to impress your date, but if you want to experience the magic of a staircase landing that has been converted into a pub, which in turn has become an institution, Pecos is still the place to go. And if you dont like the beer, hey - theres always Guzzlers right across the road!