After few days again I reported issue in my battery and Hard disk( Ref No:4623547500, Simtech No: 7335 dated 15.12.2010) and got Replacement for hard disk on 17.12.2010.
So battery which I got from HP as replacement was lasted for hardly one month . How is it possible? thats means I have been provided defective hard disk as replacement.
Still my problem was not resolved completely because my battery issue was yet to resolve.
The problem is battery which I have been provided for replacement was also showing "Status: Replace".IT has already been diagnosed by your service engineer(Simtech ahmedabad).
Here is the details of visit of simtech service engineer’s visit detail for my battery issue
Simtech Sr.No with Date
New case registered(Ref. No:4623547500)
7325, 15/12/10
7339, 17/12/10
7345, 20/12/10
7552, 22/12/10
7562, 27/12/10
7444, 30/12/10
8507, 12/01/11 Defective part given to me