I advice you do not go for Pepe jeans.I had suffered after buying a jeans from them. I Purchased Brand new Pepe jeans from Cyclone retail shop, Huma mall, Kanjur Marg, Mumbai on 17 feb 08.That jeans is loosing color and lost original fitting.I complaint to Mr. Sandeep giri, Pepe jeans India Ltd on 23rd Feb. He did nothing for 10 days. and currently he needs another week to get QA Report.and on the top of it now he is saying You purchased seconds material. In spite in that store there were two categories (Fresh and Seconds) and I paid for Fresh Stock.
Is this the Pepe culture? Please guide me what to do? Should I go to customer grievance court? Any email ids of senior person of Pepe jeans to whom I can contact?Please share your valuable views on this and spread this news with your friends and relatives.So, Pepe jeans people have improve there products and after sales services. Else they will out of market soon.
Ritik Dilip Dodhiwala.