I was an avid fan of pepsi when I was studying Engineering in SAKEC. I had one or two a day, one at lunch and one at home. I liked it better than Coke and definitely much more than the horrible tasting ThumsUp. All that is in the past, as I have given up on all soft drinks. It started out as an attempt to reduce my weight a bit, but ended up with the realization that Coke, Pepsi and all the other softdrinks out there are just sugar, water and flavor. No nutritional value, no useful energy and no health benefit. They dont even quench your thirst! I eat a lot of weight-puttinh on stuff these days, cakes and pizza, but the difference is that stuff I eat these days also has some nutritional value... My weight has stabilized at around 62 kgs. I was 75 in Engineering... In my current job we have 5 canteens in the Electronics City campus, Bangalore. Two of these guys make great fruit milkshakes. These are amazing after a great work out. Chickoo especially. Dump Pepsi and the other softdrinks and start drinking fresh fruit juices and shakes without added sugar. Try coconut water. Its a world apart from these colas. The cost of manufacture of a cola is probably less than 10% of the MRP. What are you paying for? The cost of hiring film stars to publicize a useless commodity in their meaningless ads. Really, the power of suggestion is truly amazing! People actually buying a useless, worthless product and paying to get brainwashed into buying more of it again! DJL