Id like to start with what is according to me plain and simple but true... Coke was the Original Cola drink.. and Pepsi has been and always will be.. a distant second.
Theres a number of opinions up here... but most of them (especially the pro-pepsi ones) seem to be missing ONE major fact. Lets not all forget when Coke was re-introduced to the Indian market in the 90s, one very common remark was the taste difference between the Coke here and the Coke some of us have had the privilege of tasting in other countries. Even the middle eastern cans (the ones with the arabic script) that used to be available here at exorbitant prices before the introduction of Coke had a very significant taste difference. Like everything else India is useless at making Cola too. So a comparison between two products on a worldwide forum such as this one really wouldnt be sensible because the products clearly differ from place to place.
Pepsi, in India has the best brand ambassadors (mass appeal wise... not for me though.. heheh). Amitabh Bachchan and Sachin Tendulkar have a crazy number of fans all over the country. Ive heard something about Amitabh being worshipped by a small African tribe as well (true?).
The Advertisement campaign for the Coca Cola company has been pretty aggressive in the past.. however they only used it to attract customers after the introduction of Sprite and to revive the now dying Thums-up. However Pepsis recent aggressive marketing really isnt in good taste for the simple reason that its not like they need to go to such extremes, but they still did. Healthy competition is always good between top contenders but theres no real reason to stoop down to this kind of level when things are not really going that badly.
But nevertheless the Red Vs. Blue battle has raged on for a really long time now, opinions will always differ... but from the looks of things (including the ratings on this site itself). It looks like Coke still has the upper hand.