I was surprised to find that the Pepsi Bottling Group had such a generic and unexciting domain name, since Pepsi is such a big household name. You would think that a lot of corporations that want Web presence would use some other domain name besides their initials. Surfing https://pbg.com taught me a few interesting things:
Pepsi operates 67 plants
Pepsi has more than 300 distribution centers
Pepsi supposedly sells and delivers over 100 million eight-ounce beverages daily. According to their Web page, this is enough to fill eight Olympic-sized swimming pools. I have to wonder if they stay up nights thinking up this stuff.
I already knew that the Pepsi bottling company also sells and distributes Slice, but I never read enough other drink labels to notice which other ones they were responsible for. Mountain Dew, Lipton Brisk, Liptons Iced Tea, Pepsi One, Mug Root Beer, Aquafina, Starbucks Frappaccino, Fruitworks, and Sierra Mist are a few of the other drinks that they sell to the general public (even in Canada, Greece, Russia, and Spain).
If you want the skinny on how fat drinking Pepsi will make you, go to https://pepsi.com. That site offers the number of calories, milligrams of caffeine and sodium, and grams of carbohydrates (sugar) per serving. They dont gloss over anything, either. Even though Pepsi is relatively low in caffeine, it is still ridiculously high in sugar (from corn syrup).
Here is the breakdown of what is in Pepsi, if you were wondering:
Calories 100
Total Fats (g) 0
Sodium (mg) 25
Potassium (mg) 10
Total Carbohydrates(g)27
Sugars (g) 27
Protein (g) 0
Caffeine (mg) 25
As you can see, regular Pepsi is high in calories per serving (one can).
If I had to describe the taste of Pepsi, the obvious thing would be to say It tastes like Coke. It looks and smells like Coke. It makes you burp through your sinuses like Coke.
You cant really compare the taste of Coke to anything else on the planet, so it doesnt really help anyone for me to say It tastes like Coke.
However, this a very SWEET soda. Coke has an odd little mellow aftertaste to it, and it leaves a slightly pasty feeling on your teeth (which may be the phosphorus deteriorating your tooth enamel; carbonated drinks are high in phosphorus). Pepsi doesnt have the mellow aftertang.
Pepsi tastes all right if you need something sweet to perk you up in the middle of the afternoon, but personally, I prefer a root beer (Mug isnt bad, but A&W is tastier). I also dont drink Pepsi with a meal; it is more of a dessert drink that you are better drinking by itself, since it is highly carbonated, and fills up your stomach with bubbles, making you feel full.
I think Pepsis other drinks are tastier, particularly Slice, Mug, Cherry Pepsi, and Frappaccino. Mountain Dew, Brisk, and Dr. Slice all have a weird, sharp flavor that stings the tip of my tongue. Aquafina is just purified water, but the bottling that they use makes the water taste like plastic, and smell weird, too.
A soda company that can mess up water shouldnt be trusted to sell you soda.