Now this is a major topic for discussion. Few years back there was a huge hype about the harmful chemicals used while making a soft drink like Pepsi, Coke but the matter just came down with the passage of time. People here in India are getting used to the news which they hear for repetitive number of times.
It is really unhealthy for a person to drink such harmful chemicals as this may lead to many dangerous diseases, genetic disorders or even death due to liver failure. Doctors strictly prohibit such soft drinks due to its harmful effects. Many youngsters are facing death due to this reason. Many viral diseases also come forward due to its intake.
It also destroys the enamel of your teeth. As it contains lots of sugar it also leads to obesity. If you ask for low calorie drinks then again it is harmful as the substitutes which they use are not allowed in many other countries due to its harm on our body, but here, Indian PFA (Prevention of Food Adulteration Act) allows those ingredients unto a certain limit, strange that the same amount is added to these drinks in India. There is nothing helpful in Pepsi, then why to drink it and waste your hard earn money.
Some of the Indian residents are aware of the harmful effects of consuming Pepsi, but don’t know why they ignore its effects when they are offered Pepsi at some Party in functions or in a meeting. They just can’t stop themselves. In my case I just say no to these unhealthy drinks (or let me say a slow poison) and choose to have a glass of water instead, and that’s really healthy for anyone.
I avoid it, now it’s your turn. Hope you will say NO to Pepsi!