All these multi national companies in beverages are just selling the carborated flavoured water which they produce at the cost of just Re.1.18 and they sell it to us including their great profit i.e. at Rs.11 all of these companies are said to have a healthly compitition in the indian market but do u know the fact that when pepsi & cocacola came to india there were nearly 7-8 companies who were in the compitition ( thumpsup, limca, maaza, etc. )but now how many r there just two pepsi & cocacola they say that they r having a healthy compitition between them and all those comp. who cant survive in this compitition r gone but u know thumpsup limca etc. still exists in the market but they r over taken by these two big comp...s. so where is the healthy compitetion . AGAR AAP LOG HINDUSTANI HAI TO HINDUSTANI PRODUCTS KA PRACHAAR KIGIYE . IN VIDESHI COMPANIES KO BADHAAVA MUT DIGIYE.