I personally think there is nt any other soft drink which can be even compared to Pepsi , even though it faces stiff competition from coke it will always be over coke .
IT keeps me up when im working late night on a college project and it even kewl to have it when ure hanging out with friends . whatever the reason or the occassion pepsi is the best .
Last month we had gone to a very remote hill station and guess what - no other drink except for PEPSI was available . This also reminds me of the school excursion trip for which we had gone to Bordi which kind of @ the border of Maharashtra and Gujrat and we students were taken to interactwith this tribe , and no prizes for guessing - Pepsi was present even there ...it may sound too hyped up but , hey guys , trust me I m not faking all this
All I gotta say to ull is yehi hai right choice baby so all u guys and gals out there chill out with a pepsi