Hi, my name is Kelly and Im a Pepsiholic. I just cant get enough of this stuff.
Ive tried Coca Cola and some of the others. To me, there was nothing that even came close. The refreshing taste of Pepsi is just the right sweetness and not overpowering like some of the other colas.
Even in the taste tests comparing Pepsi to Coke, Pepsi has always come in number one in my area. Ive tried it myself, with my friends, and even at a local grocery store. The test results came as no surprise to this Pepsiholic tough.
Just a brief comparison from my own observations:
Most Pepsi drinkers I know prefer flavored coffees, mild cheeses, and more mellow flavors as opposed to the harsher ones. They do not seem to care much for sharp cheeses, strong coffees, or other harsh flavors.
Most Coke drinkers prefer strong black coffees, sharp cheeses, and strong, harsh flavors. In general, they do not seem to care much for mild cheeses, sweetened or flavored coffees, or any other mild flavors.
This is only my theory and has not been proven. I encourage you to take the Pepsi challenge, and also to think about my theory in relationship to the Pepsi and Coke drinkers you know.