I will not recommend this drink or any other fizzy drink to any one. The simple reason being , it does no good to you at all! It may quench your thirst at times , when you happen to be in a place where you cant find clean and pure water to drink. Thats okay! But dont make it a practice to drink this or any other carbonated drink!
As we all know, carbonated drinks are not good for our body. I dont buy this drink at all. I am just tempted to drink sometimes , when it is offered in parties. Thats all!
When you get an urge to drink this pepsi, try to buy some other drink like orange juice , apple juice , mixed fruit juice or any such kind. Fruit juices are good for health. They contain vitamins, good for your body and more than anything, they dont have carbon-di-oxide present in pepsi and other fizzy drinks!
I agree that specially with some junk food like french fries and hamburgers , this pepsi goes well. Still drinking pepsi should be avoided for health reasons .