There I was wandering around my local Supermarket day-dreaming about my life in a place other than sunny England when something brought me back down to earth with a bump! Unfortunately, it wasnt the man of my dreams with a 6-pack. It was, in fact, a pack of 6 cans of Pepsi Twist for £1.69. Better than that. It was Buy One Get One Free! So, into the trolly they went. Ive tried the diet version with lemon which I enjoyed.
The cans themselves are bright enough to lure anyone into buying them. Youve got the usual blue can with the Pepsi red, white and blue logo on the front. But the top of the can is bright yellow with a lemon and the word twist all in yellow. Its very bright. On the can, it says theyre £0.39p each for a 330ml can. But, as I said, I paid £1.69 for 6 cans.
When I got home, I put them in the fridge to get cold. They do taste better cold. Now, what did it taste like? Well, Im so used to drinking diet cola and pepsi, that this did obviously taste sweeter. But, Im not grumbling. I enjoyed the sweetness.
What about the lemon in it? Well, I couldnt really taste too much of the lemon. It really is a twist what they put in it. I could only just taste the lemon. But, then again, I wouldnt like it if it was too strong. I just think they could have added a tad more lemon to the drink to give it a more lemony taste.
The drink contains sugar, flavourings including natural lemon flavouring and caffeine, citric acid amongst other things.
There is no address or phone number on the can, only the website address. (Maybe the address was the packet! I never thought to look!).
My final thought? I do enjoy this drink. Im not going to stop buying it. I just feel that the lemon flavour in it isnt as strong as what it could be. Its a bit weak for me. But then, everybody is different. Not everyone would like the stronger taste of lemon.
NOTE: This review is also posted on Ciao on my account as Louise90. (Just thought Id mention it, incase anyone thinks Im copying, when Im NOT! LOUISE90 & LOULOU are the same person!!).