I have to admit that I adore Michael Douglas - especially when he takes roles that bring out the nasty in him! Ms. Paltrow is adorable - and very talented as well!
A Perfect Murder is (most unfortunately) NOT worthy of a 5-star review. Douglas performance is marvelous - I like him when hes down & dirty, looking out for #1, and brilliantly manipulative. Ms. Paltrow plays his (much younger) wife - a multi-lingual, fragile-appearing, millionairess AND... a bigamist whos involved with a sleazy, shady artist (nicely portrayed by Viggo Mortensen).
Well, Douglas finds out about Viggo, and hires him to kill Paltrow. Things just dont work out the way he thinks - and the plot really thickens. Without revealing EVERYTHING - someone dies, no one gets arrested, someone ELSE dies, no one gets arrested .... OK, whats wrong with this movie? P-A-L-T-R-O-W, of course! Like - why would she even marry Douglas? Why does she feel the need to cheat on him - especially with a guy who looks and talks like a low-life? Why is she so ... submissive/weak/NEEDY? We never find out. And THAT, my friends, is the ONLY weak link in this movie!
At any rate, get some friends together & watch this movie - Im sure everyone will OOOOOOHHH and AHHHHHHH with you!!