The Perfect Murder is a film on a womans extra-marital affair finally culminating in a Murder with a capital M. I stress on the word Murder not because thats what the film is about....In fact the title of the film is so off target, yet well targeted to keep the viewers , confused, questioning, dying to know more...In fact the turn of events is so startling, keeping the right pace, and the end is so unexpected. OK here it is...a sure Murder, no murder, then murder and then Murder again!
Looks like a jigsaw puzzle? Thats exactly it. A beautiful story of a torrid love affair between the graceful Gweneth Paltrow and a sexy painter, a characterless debauch. The husband is Michael Douglas, rich, proud, seemingly jealous and very, very, shrewd, ... a role, which he no doubt plays to perfection. Gweneth is superb as a woman in love, totally gullible but with the intelligent streak.
A very interesting film, cleverly made, good acting by all. A story so natural, it could happen to anybody, in any home. It has no stunts, no wild car chases, cops, crashes, nor explosions. But it has much more to offer and startle you. And MURDER it is!!!