I purchased this pureflo for my home recently. The water is so pure. The company has all certificates to prove their technology and quality. The price (6100) is less than Aqua guard (which will be from 7000+). This is based on unique UltraFiltration Membrane Technology. This technology is used to purify water in Japan and western countries. The only Water Purifier that protects you from Amoebiasis and Giardiasis besides other harmful water borne diseases. This removes turbidity and colloidal matter. UV based water filters will not remove these. To remove (de-activate) the viruses through UV, water has to be there in the UV chamber for at least 5-10 mins. But that is not happening. The maintenance is very low. You have to replace the membrane once in 7 years or more. Whereas in case of UV purifier, you have to frequently replace carbon filter and UV section. Luckily I came to know about this product, after spending huge effort on the internet, because there were no advertisements for this product. Because of this only the price is just Rs. 6, 100/-. Otherwise it will be around 10, 000 or more. The service is very good. I just sent a mail to them at info@permionics.com They immediately replied and sent the local dealer to my home at the agreed time for live demo and installed the purifier within 2 days. This is really great service. They accept credit cards. So, this is the latest best technology and with the best quality. The price is really low for this technology only because they are not believed in advertisements. I recommend this product to everyone. Note: They do also have RO systems. But if you are not living in sea shore, where water hardness is heavy, you can go for this.