Nidhi Mulik , HR is fully supportive to the high profile members of PSL and make people termination process forcefully with wrong review and internal settings. HR profile is not to play politics with the employees. The Business Unit is divided in 3 parts and the Delivery manager of 3 units and close friends and rules accordingly on the 3 accounts.
Hence if any employee doesnt fit in their Unit, they make sure tht employee is out of the company. They give uncertain feedback and forcefully make their victims out of the company with the help of Nidhi Mulik. Business Unit in Nagpur should not be allowed to ruled by these 3 close friends. This will give chance to the employee who can show his talent to other Business unit even if on wrong statement her/his performance is rated incorrectly.
Work culture , processes, Environment is good in PSL only the "Grahudyog" is created in Nagpur PSL due to same an employee has to become DOG , to go on orders of the big boss else he will be out of the company.