Hi, everybody. I want to share my views with all of you on this controversial issue of Petrol vs Diesel car. I have driven both the cars for a long time. So, I think I have lot of experiences to share with you. I will not go in to technical details to bore you. I am explaining to you all about Petrol vs Diesel cars in a very easy way.
The most important and I think the only deciding factor is that HOW MANY KILOMETERS YOU DRIVE YOUR CAR IN A MONTH if you drive minimum 1500 km per month then go for Diesel car otherwise dont think about it because a Petrol car is MUCH SUPERIOR then Diesel car in many respects it is only the cheap rate of DIESEL which is responsible for Diesel cars sale otherwise I never recommend a Diesel car because driving a diesel car can never be a fun(for a long time period) . If you can afford easily Rs.3/- per km then never think about Diesel car inspite of the fact that how many kms you drive your car per month.
Now, by an another method decide yourself which car is best for you. Running cost of Diesel car is Rs.1/- per km and of Petrol car is Rs.2/- per km(without A.C.), Rs.2.75/- per km(with A.C.). Now, you can calculate the fuel cost difference, e.g. if you drive a Diesel car 18000 km per year then your savings against Petrol car(with A.C. on) is 49500-18000= Rs. 31500/- per year, AMAZING! hai naa? just cool down and consider an another factor that M.R.P. of a Diesel is higher then Petrol car i, e, Rs. 50000/- to Rs. 70000/- per car and maintaining a Diesel car is also costlier then Petrol car and resale value of Diesel car is also less then Petrol car.
So. finally think about Diesel car if you are going to drive it frequently So that you can compensate its maintaining cost by the savings in fuel cost. Chalte chalte, also take a glance on the following comparison table:
Low maintaining cost 1. High maintaining cost
Less engine noise 2. More engine noise
Good pickup with A.C. 3. Poor pickup with A.C.
More reslae value 4. Less resale value
Low initial price 5. High initial price
Less mileage 6. More mileage