I have base calculation considering the 10, 000km driving yearly petrol vs diesel car and come with the options as follows.
The factors I have considered as follows.
Petrol car price is less by 1Lakh compare to diesel car
Petrol average is around 17km/ltr
Diesel average is around 20km/ltr
Petrol price on average - Rs. 69/ltr
Diesel price on average - Rs. 45/ltr
Petrol maintenance car - Rs. 3000/per annum
Diesel maintenance car - Rs. 9000/per annum
The below table gives details & cost of the cars.
Now I come to conclusion that to recover the cost of diesel car we need around 7 to 8 years so my suggestion is go for petrol car if you want to keep your car for more than 8 years go for diesel car.
Car Type Yearly Km Fuel Ltr Fuel Cost Yelyar Maintenance Cost Yearly Total Cost Petrol 10000 588.2353 40588.23529 3000 43588.23529 Diesel 10000 500 22500 9000 31500 Cost Difference yearly 12088.235 Car Cost Difference Car 100000 Years to recover cost of Diesel car 8.2725061