Very easy to use, nice in design, too handy and very best travel companion. Battery very well holds for three to five shaves at-least. It takes one or two shaves to get your hands comfortable on it. Thereafter, its very easy and quick to use. Coming on to the shaving experience, it helps get rid of your hair pretty easily and quick but also leaves few stubble.
So, you must go at-least two rounds to get rid of them, especially at your jaws areas. It works best for the wet shaves. But to be frank It did not give good results with its inbuilt trimmer on sideburns. Very easy to clean the head and maintain it. In some rare case its blades produce heat while using. Overall, a very good companion.
Cons: Leaves stubble, very bad as a trimmer
Pros: Very easy to use, gives quick and clean shave and very easy to clean up.