Being interested in checking the PHILIPS 622 DVD Player , I went to a shop and checked the model. I compared the audio output with that of my GOODMANS CDMP352 MP3 Player ( a very good UK brand).I played an original Britney spears .cda CD on both the players and compared their outputs having
amplified them in a PHILIPS TV. What a difference !
PHILIPS is way behind my Goodmans CDMP3 in frequency response(Proportion of bass, voice, treble and music)! Actually, in PHILIPS the voice volume was high, but the bass and treble arent upto the mark - I felt I were listening to a small radio! Any player must have a flat frequency response(i.e correct proportions of voice, music, bass and treble) . But in the 622 it wasnt so! It did not impress me at all and so, I dropped the idea of buying it!
Later I visited this visited this website and read the other comments that others have blasted at the 622 model over various issues viz. poor customer service, VCD freezing problems , imperfect remote ctrl functions etc.Both here and in other websites , I find no good reputations earned by this model! I
feel this model is a black mark to a world class company like PHILIPS who invented and patented the optical disc(CD)!PHILIPS 622 may be the King of playability and You have it, we read it player, but has got to improve on its sound delivery circuits(.......... I guess this flaw could be because the assembly of PHILIPS DVD players is happening in China now a days )
Friends, before you buy compare the (any) set that you are interested to buy with a standard equivalent of yours or your friends. Play any file, say an MP3 CD and compare the two on an equal amplification basis.You will know the difference and also judge which is the right player to be bought ! Thank you for
reading my review.