Hey all,
i m facing a prob with my philips DVDs DivX model which ive purchased just 10hrs back.
it is having earthing problem
when I put a palm on its top surface I feel a minor earthing.
also I tried putting tester on the screws on both the sides (left & right sides) of it, tester puts it light-lamp on.
i went back to the showroom & asked for the replacement
manager of the showroom getaly replaced it. I insist him to check the fresh piece
it was also having earthing.
then he took third piece from the stock
again earthing was there...
he & me both were shocked....
we thought that some problem is there with the model
he asked me to change the brand.
then i selected LG one...
when we tested it with putting it on the floor (not even on the carpet) it was having the same earthing problem on the screws of both sides.
then Sony...
then Godrej...
all DVDs of all Brands having same thing.
when we put them on the floor & put the switch on, all of them throws minor earthing on the screws of both sides
there is no earthing problem in Front & Back panels.
on top when we put the palm, we can feel minor earthing.
i am sure about I dont have any earthing problem @ home & same way he is also sure about his showrooms electrical work. nothing is lacking on that part.
can someone please check if they have same prob or not?
just put ur dvd player on the floor, plug-in & swith on. check the screws with the tester.
can somebody please reply?