I bought Philips DVD Player DVP3388/94 on new years eve.
Although I was actually looking out for a SONY DVD Player with USB support(please note that I am not comparing these players here), I got my hand on this product and I liked it instantly.
It Plays almost everything like:
Plays WMV, DivX, WMA, MP3 and HD JPEG photos
It also has DivX Ultra Support.
HDMI upscaling is a good feature. Although I don’t have a HDMI compatible TV set right now so this feature can be treated as future provision. HDMI Cable is not part of the standard package, but I got the original Philips HDMI Cable as a gift from the seller. So that sorted out the additional expense. The original Philips HDMI cable is little bit expensive I heard.
Output of the DVD player for movies, pictures and sound is good. Till now it played almost all the media except the 3GP(mobile movie clips) and MOV(digicam movie clips) files for me.
DVD Setup menu can be made more use friendly.
I can recommend this DVD Player to all.