I recently changed my TV to a Philips Real Flat TV. What really got me excited was the Eye-Fi ( I know all along I have been bragging along with these features) In brief this allows you to control the quality of your picture unlike most of the TVs, I could control all the parameters required for getting a great output. The other one that caught my fancy was the Zappa feature, here one can configure choice of channels by categorising them into easy access buttons. i.e., you can have all the news channels on a toggle button and swap between them without much fuss. The design is sleek and cool, only more choice in cabinet colors would have been more interesting. My only grouse is with the Remote Control design, there is a design mismatch between the TV and remote, though it feels good to hold, they could have done it better. I guess any remote takes some time getting used to and the same may be applicable here.
What I forgot to mention earlier was the price, its the best bet in its segment